My Furry Friends

Saturday, Jan. 29th 2011 4:42 PM

At Lindas Cleaning Specialties, one of the joys of spending time in client’s homes, is meeting and getting to know their pets.  I like to jokingly refer to them as the welcoming committee, since that I’m often met at the door by my furry friends, who excitedly greet me.  They all  have their own unique personalities, and their antics provide me with amusement, causing me  to laugh out loud. I must admit I can’t resist spending a few minutes during my time there to give my little (and sometimes big) friends some attention. Whether I’m throwing a ball, dangling a cat toy, or giving a pat or two, my furry friends are happy for the attention. Some follow me around as I do my job, curiously watching me,  hoping I’ll take a few more minutes to give them some attention.  Some wait patiently, while others demand my immediate attention, knowing I find it hard to resist their funny and cute antics. My furry friends keep me company as I work, I talk to them and they respond back with a tail wag, a bark, a purr, etc. For all you pet owners and animal lovers, check back often as I post more stories about my furry friends in the upcoming weeks.

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