Natural cleaning formulas

Thursday, Jul. 28th 2011 2:17 PM

As mentioned in a previous post, vinegar has many great cleaning qualities, and makes an excellent natural all-purpose cleaning solution. In a spray bottle mix 1 part water to 1 part vinegar. For a little added cleaning power, add a squirt of liquid dish detergent.

Vinegar is also effective when mixed with baking soda or borax. Mix a 1/2 cup vinegar with a 1/4 cup baking soda, or 2 teaspoons Borax into 2 liters of water. This solution can be stored to be used at a later date. This solution is effective to use on hard water deposits, bathroom chrome, windows, mirrors and glass.

Baking soda or vinegar with lemon juice are great natural deodorizers. Place in small dishes around the house to absorb odors. Cooking odors can be avoided by simmering 1 TBSP of vinegar in 1 cup of water on the stove while cooking. To remove odors from cooking utensils and cutting boards, wipe with vinegar, and wash in soapy water.

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